Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Look what I got in the mail the other day! 

Ball canning coupons! 

At first I thought it was junk mail, but I read the letter that accompanied them and then it hit me.  I entered a jar of pickled jalepenos and a jar of crabapple jelly in our county fair and I won the Grand Champion sweepstakes ribbon!  I didn't think there would be any award other than the large purple ribbon. 

This was a pleasant surprise, so now, I'm making a list of supplies that I will be needing for another round of canning green beans.  We picked another two brown paper bags worth the other night, so I will be busy canning this week.  Also on my canning wish list is the Ball Blue Book of canning recipes.  This seems to be the "go-to" book for anything canning.  I've used my mom's knowledge of canning, but this will be a nice addition to my small collection of recipe and how-to books. 

This has definitely made me think about doing more canning and then exhibit it at the county fair next summer.  I had several people comment on my ribbons when they went through the rooms.  I'm hoping this will in turn get more people to enter their canning.  If I CAN do it, anyone CAN. 

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