Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today was the first day of school for my kids.  They attend the local public schools and I couldn't be happier that they go there.  I couldn't do the homeschooling thing.  I applaud those that do, but it's not for me.  I feel confident in my school district's abilities to teach my children and I also feel that they are safe in their school. 

Well, I have a kindergartener and a sophomore.  Talk about an age gap!  I know there are lots of people who have that age gap too, but many have ones scattered between those two ends. 

For a couple weeks, we've been talking about the first day of school with both kids.  I get the ever present groaning from the 16 year old.  He's not about to say he's even the slightest bit ready for school to start.  Secretly I think he is ready.  He doesn't see his friends everyday in the summer, so this will be a nice change for him. 

My 5 year old has had mixed emotions about school.  At one moment she's asking if school starts the next day and then the next time I turn around, she is giving me this worried look, like she's not too sure she wants to go to school.  I think it's all been an act to get a little more attention, but I've kept reminding her that school will be so much fun, she'll get to have lots of play time in class, recess, p.e. and learn so many neat and wonderful things. 

Well, we drove up to the school and I had to all but keep her from jumping out of the car and running into the building.  She's ready.  We walked into the gym to wait for the buidling to open and she lined up with the rest of the kids.  Once they were told to head inside, she walked like a big girl with her class, found her room and sat down at her seat.  The whole time, she had this HUGE smile plastered to her face.  I gave her a quick kiss and hug and told her she'd do great, then I left.  Several people messaged me this morning asking how I did when I was leaving.  Well, I did great too!  No tears! 

I couldn't say that when I took my son to school for his first day 11 years ago.  I at least held it together until I got out of his sight.  I can say I didn't break down and bawl, but I left with a few tears that day.  Why did I do it then, and not now?  Why is the first child different that the last child?  Who knows.  I'm sure there is a psychological answer, but I don't have time for that!  LOL! 

It's amazing how these kids grow up so fast and change.  One day we are changing diapers and dealing with spit up, then the next thing we know, they are driving out of the driveway on their way to high school.  Don't blink! 

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