Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Managing My Priorities

Recently I've had to take a step back and re-examine my life priorities.  How many of us do this on a regular basis?  I know I don't very often.  What made me do this is our local 4-H Club.  We've had several kids graduate high school this past year, a few families moved to other states and another couple families that have decided to take a break.  Those families that are taking a break or not returning at all due to "burnout" have decided that this is not a priority in their lives.  That is their opinion and they have every right to feel that way.  4-H is something that can be very time consuming and if they feel they can't give the time to do it, they probably shouldn't be doing it.  I know I've had to give up on certain events that I was once a part of because it just wasn't something I could give my all to.  I still help out if I can, but I'm just not as involved as I once was.  And that is OK.

Years ago I was very involved in Relay For Life.  It's an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  It's very near and dear to my heart since my son is a cancer survivor.  I was part of the planning committee for several years, but once we found out we were having our daughter, I decided that she needed to take priority and I stepped away from my responsibilities there.  I know I left it in very capable hands and the Relay has done exceptionally well since.  

Now that my daughter is getting older, I am getting involved in other things.  The farmer's market in our local community is a new venture that we've been involved in for the past three years.  She loves to help me garden and this is a way to bring in a little extra money for the family.  It's not something that I could retire on, or even quit my day job for, but we are able to grow food for our own family and share with others in the community that aren't able to garden or don't think they can garden.  

Other activities that have me hopping are Tae Kwon Do, coaching volleyball, chickens, my daughter's gymnastics and starting kindergarten this year.  I know it's a lot on my plate and in a couple more years, things will get even busier with more kid's activities. I don't regret any of the craziness, because I know one day the kids will be grown and on their own and I'll have a whole lot less to do.  I'm just going to hold on tight and keep looking at the things I do and decide what needs to stay and what needs to go.  

It's all I can do and that's what works for me. 

What works for you?

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