Thursday, February 23, 2012

New growth

We've decided to get a jump start on our garden this year by starting seedlings indoors. I tried this several years ago which ended in disaster. I had a lot of pumpkin and cantelope seedlings just flop over one day due to damping off. I didn't know what I was doing and didn't have a light, so this time, we invested in a light and we are keeping our fingers crossed that things will be successful for us.

We started out Saturday evening by planting broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, jalepenos and tomatoes. By Monday afternoon, several of the cabbage seeds had sprouted! I was shocked! The package said 7-10 days for germination. We had little plants in 3! Now just about everything has a little plant or two growing. We are very excited and so are the kids. My daughter keeps asking if her "mato" has come up or not. Unfortunately, it hasn't poked it's head out of the soil, but she keeps asking everyday.

I'm hoping to start another flat of cherry tomatoes and some head lettuce this weekend. The seed starting medium is fluffy enough, so I'm not going to put them into their own little cells. I think I'm going to just fill the whole flat and direct seed them into rows, then once they are large enough to transplant, I'll just carefully dig well enough out away that they should just lift out. Again, this is just an experiment and if it flops, then so be it. I know lots of people would say that I should just use peat pots or individual cells, but I like a challenge and I like the experimenting.

I'll try and get some pictures posted of our little plants soon! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome! I am about ready to start making the slips for my give away of seed if you know of anyone else interested!
