Monday, February 13, 2012

Busy weekend

I'm not your "typical" homesteader. We own 46 acres of crop, pasture and homestead ground. My husband and I work full-time and our oldest is an 8th grader in a public school. My daughter goes to daycare and preschool at a local church. We are busy going to sporting events and other school events in our area. I try to find time in our busy schedules to get things done around the house, but I also try to have time for the kids each night too. I think it's great that there are families out there that are completely immersed into the homesteading lifestyle. They have my utmost respect and I love reading about their lives. I have started to adopt some of their ideas for our family. Everyone has to start somewhere, right!

Well, this past weekend was extremely busy. I didn't get done what I wanted, but I did get several things accomplished. Luckily, some just in time for the snow and cold winds to arrived Sunday evening. Saturday we cut wood for most of the afternoon and now have a couple more weeks of warmth stacked up outside the house. It was very cold cutting, but as long as we kept moving, we were warm enough. I think that is one of the best workouts a person can have. You are constantly bending over, walking and lifting weights. A complete aerobic and weight training workout. I was exhausted by the time evening came. I was barely able to eat dinner and make it a chair before I fell asleep.

Sunday afternoon we spent buying some supplies for our seed starting adventure. I tried starting seeds years ago, but everything died due to Damping Off. I was very discouraged and decided that it wasn't something I could do. I've decided to be brave this year and try it again. Even professionals have that happen to them, so I just need to keep trying and figure out what works for me. I want to have plants to put in the ground this spring, so I can harvest much earlier for our Farmer's Market this year. I've been researching techniques to avoid the fungal disease and think I may have a good plan. My husband has been wanting a shop light for the garage, so we bought one that he felt would work for him and a few weeks out of the year, he's going to let me have it in the basement to keep my seedlings going. What a great guy! I'm very lucky to have a husband that is as interested in gardening as I am. (Sometimes I think he may be more into it than I am!)

Hopefully I'll be able to post more this week of our seed starting! Thanks for stopping by!

As soon as I find some time this week, I'll get my seeds into their new homes and keep my fingers crossed until the first little sprouts start to emerge.

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