Monday, January 30, 2012

I've been away from the blogging scene for quite a while now. Life is so funny, you get immersed in one thing and have a hard time focusing on other things. That's what has happened here. Not to give excuses, but life is busy and I'm trying to slow things down and take a deep breath.

We have been on our little piece of heaven for almost three years now. About to start our 4th summer. We've had lots of changes to our place and they have been for the better I believe.

Last summer we had a freak storm that came through late one night and a heat burst blasted us with 100+ degree temps for about 10 minutes at midnight. Never have I experienced something like that. It was quite scary. To set the scene...we were outside late watching a dangerous fire in the distance. It was more than 20 miles away and looked as though it was only 2 miles away. A lightning strike had hit a wheat field and had started a horrible fire. My parents had lost 100+acres of wheat that night. Anyway, as we were outside watching at 11:30 p.m., the wind picked up and lightning started to light up the sky above us. I decided we needed to go inside and not 10 minutes later the wind picked up to 80+mph. We were watching outside our window that faces west and all of a sudden the roof of our garage was lifted off of the building and slammed into the tree row north of our house. Unfortunately that is also where our electric pole is. The pole was snapped into three pieces, leaving us with no electricity-in the middle of summer.....

Anyway, because of that little storm that came through, we now have a very nice garage-WITH garage doors! That's the neatest thing! I've never had garage door openers before! Sad, I know....I grew up with a garage door that had to be opened manually.

We also started selling at our local Farmers' Market last summer. The summer was sooo hot and soooo dry that we were surprised to get as much out of the garden as we did. We had a sprinkling of snow peas, beets, radishes, squash (overabundance!), cucumbers, carrots, okra, herbs, potatoes and onions. We also sold eggs and plans to expand our flock are already underway. More to come on that!

This year's garden is taking shape. My husband has tilled the garden once this winter and we will be getting it ready to be tilled again in another month or so. Some early crops will be going in mid February, so we are hoping for a success!

Well, that's about I have time for now. I hope to be updating on a regular basis, so until next time....Enjoy the Simple Looks at Life!

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