Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wow, the weekend flew by. Saturday we spent the morning helping at the recycling center with our 4-H club. We had six kids help unload and sort all sorts of recyclables. They all had a good time and really seemed to enjoy themselves. We headed home and went to the local nursery to pick up some flowers and garden plants. We ended up with 11 tomato plants. What were we thinking! I'm not even a huge fan of eating the things. I do like making salsa, so there will be jars and jars of salsa in our future! Eight types of herbs were bought and now have a happy little home in our new herb garden outside the back door. Hopefully we'll be using them soon in new recipes. Kristyn helped pick out some pink flowers that she liked. As I was planting she kept asking me what I was doing. It's so cute to listen to a 2-year old and all their questions that they repeat over and over.

Sunday we decided to be bad and skip church. We were exhausted from Saturday. It ends up we were a little glad we missed the service. My mom called and let us know that a very dear girl that used to be a member of our church was killed in a car wreck Saturday night. She was lifewatched to Wichita and died Sunday morning. She was 17 and a high school senior, just weeks away from graduating at the top of her class. She worked at the grocery store and was loved by all who knew her. It was such a shock to everyone in the community. It will take a long time to move past this tragic event. I've told myself if Kristyn ends of being half the young woman that this dear girl was then I will be a very lucky mom. It is comforting to know she is in heaven watching down on her family. Hopefully they will know God's comforting embrace as they struggle to understand why she was taken from their lives at such an young age.

Rest in Peace Emily! You will be missed, not only by your family, but by countless friends and community members.

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