Friday, April 30, 2010

It's the weekend once again and the list of projects are still there, lingering in the background, taunting us to finish them up. Saturday morning we are helping our son's 4-H club at the monthly recycling day. We are helping community members unload their recyclables and sort them into the proper containers. We recycle at our house too, so when we volunteer to help do the sorting, our recyclables get taken over. That helps a lot. Once Saturday morning passes, we tackle the projects. (or so I hope!) The hand-pump well will hopefully get finished up. We poured the small foundation and are waiting for the cement to cure. The bolts were hopefully positioned correctly so we can fasten the pump to them. It will be nice to have it working once again. We probably won't use it much, but it's there if we need it or want to show someone how it works.

My husband's Jeep has been his big project all winter. The engine was taken out and rebuilt. It was living in my dad's shop for about six months and is finally home. There are still a few issues that he's been dealing with, but it's driveable. That's been good, since his car battery is dead. I don't have to take him to work at the crack of dawn, so I'm happy. We've spent lots of time in it trying to get the clutch working better. I think he finally has it working correctly now, thank goodness.

I have been inspired by my friends that have a super garden. They live several hours north of us, but I've been following their blog We are by no means as big as they are, but I've learned a lot just reading what they have posted. I think I may try my hand at seedlings next year. I would love to have veggies earlier in the summer and not wait till July or August to enjoy fresh food. I think a road trip may be in order to take a look at what they have and visit them at the farmer's market.

Hopefully this weekend I will get my herb garden planted. I have a nice little patch right outside the back door that is easily accessible. It was so overgrown and full of rocks and other junk. It took me a good two days to clean out the small patio of bricks (which we didn't realize was there due to the grass covering it), all the large rocks, weeds and other little surprises we found. I've always said I'm going to find buried treasure somewhere on our property and I did. I found a quarter in the dirt. That's probably going to be the most I'll ever find. Oh well, we can all dream, right? :) Last year I had planted basil, thyme, and marjoram. The basil and marjoram were annuals, so I knew I would have to replant them, but about half way through August I went out and noticed my thyme plant was dead! I looked around in the soil and noticed a mole had dug a tunnel directly under the plant and had sheared off the roots. The poor plant lifted out of the ground easily since it had no anchor to keep it in place. I was so mad. I'm hoping this year to keep the moles away.

If we can get our few projects done this weekend, we'll feel accomplished. I don't like to cram so much into one weekend, I feel like I don't have time to breathe. Those weekends happen more often than I would like.

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