Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring on the farm

Projects, projects everywhere! How do we get ourselves into this mess each year? We have so many things we want to get done, and there is never enough time or money to do them all. Oh well, we just have to keep at it until they are done. Right now, we have a bathroom that we've been trying to get fixed up since last year this time. So far we have the walls painted and faucets bought. Not installed....just sitting in the boxes, waiting for a plumber to help. We plan on converting the tub to a shower. There are no water lines for a shower, so we need someone to help us with that part. Also, we will have to fix some tile work that was cut out years before we bought the house. Not sure how that will end up, but surely there is something that can be done.

Another project that my husband just decided to tackle is an old hand pump well that sits outside our side door. The top part of the handle broke many years ago and some tree roots were starting to push the footing up and out of the ground. He removed the pump and the concrete footing and all the pipe that led down to the water. Which, by the way, is only about 4 1/2 feet below the surface. (No wonder my basement leaks!) We took it over to my parents house and my dad explained what needs to be replaced. Hopefully we will be able to find the parts and get it working again. It's a part of farm history that is reminiscent of the simpler things of life.

Gardening seems to be a year-long project that never seems to get done, or done right in our case. We used to have a great garden years ago in Nebraska, but that's when I didn't work and had lots of time to spend out in it working. Now that I work, have an almost teenager (GASP!!) and a 2 year old, I don't seem to have the time for things like gardening and stuff I want to do. It's worth it in the end though and hopefully I'm teaching my kids to enjoy being outside and using their hands.

I've been getting inspired by Martha Stewart and all of her posts on her blog. She has such an amazing farm back east and I would love for our farm to look half as great. Our garden is the first part of that journey. Once we have an established plot of ground it should get easier to keep up. This is only year two for it, so with time, we should be able to have a nice area to grow things in. Our front flower bed has been transformed from a mass of Vinca vines to a clean garden of perennials. Each year I've added a few more plants that will return the next spring. I've also been getting some of my mom's plants from their house and incorporating them into my own flower beds.

We are always up to a challenge when it comes to plants. This year in our garden we will be planting peanuts. Yep, peanuts. We did this once while living in Nebraska, but moved before they were ready. We dug them up, but they didn't taste all that great. The shells were still a little soft for roasting, but it was fun to see how they grow. Now that we are a little further south, we can get them planted earlier and dig them later. They take an long time to get to maturity. I'll update this fall as to how they turn out. Another challenge we took on was planting three blueberry bushes and two canes of raspberries. We had raspberries in Nebraska that we found out in a field and they were delicious! We fell in love with them immediately. Finally we have an area to grow them. Our last challenge (at least for the moment) is a Goji berry plant. It hasn't arrived yet, but it's a different plant that my husband thought would be fun. We'll update on all the fruit later this summer as it grows and matures.

That's not all the projects on the farm at the moment, but as you can see, it's a little overwhelming. Still to come, 4-H lambs, chickens, the Jeep and soybeans. Wow, that's a lot to digest.

Till next time.... enjoy the simple looks at life!

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