Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Review

What a whirlwind weekend we had.  It started out with a snowstorm hitting on Friday.  Middle of October, in Kansas and we have snow.  It never amounted to much, but there were half-dollar sized flakes coming down most of the morning.  The ground was still warm, so it melted as soon as it hit.  Kinda makes you wonder what the rest of the fall and winter will be like.  That's what we expect in  Kansas-crazy weather!

Our daughter was supposed to cheer in a mini cheer clinic at Friday nights home football game, but it was cancelled due to the cold temps and wet weather.  Thank goodness!  I'm hoping the next home game will have nicer weather for them to cheer. That was one thing I could check off my crazy weekend itinerary!

Saturday morning, we got out of bed, bundled up and went out to dig our sweet potatoes.  It frosted overnight, so we needed to get them out of the ground ASAP.  This was an experiment crop for us this year. We planted approximately 10 slips and seven of them made it to harvest.  We didn't get very many potatoes from the plants, but that was fine.  We aren't huge sweet potato eaters to begin with, so I'd rather eat what we have and not worry about a bunch of excess.  Sweet potatoes are one of those foods that I didn't really care for as a kid growing up, but if I had some now, I would eat them.  It's amazing what happens to our palates as we grow up.  Things aren't "gross" anymore.  We just suck it up and eat it as adults. 

Saturday afternoon brought a Tae Kwon Do Black Belt test for our son.  He received his first Black Belt back in April, but had to test again to get his 1st Dan.  It's the next level of Black Belt that you can get.  He was very excited to get this belt.  It's his "official" Black Belt.  The first one was a "probationary" belt.  Now he is a full-fledged Black Belt and will receive a special certificate stating so.  He will be receiving it in a couple weeks. 

Sunday brought with it a set of mixed emotions.  We had to say goodbye to Bella, our new puppy.  She was born with a defect that we and the breeder were unaware of.  She was getting worse and worse each day and the medication our vet gave us didn't help.  Saturday night, she passed away.  We were hoping to have more time with Bella, but I think it was probably best that it happened so quickly.  You could tell she was getting frustrated with it and we were holding out hope that things would just level off and she would be able to live.  It was a very sad day, but made brighter with the addition of Sophie, our new little girl.


Sunday afternoon we made a flying trip to the opposite side of the county for our 4-H Acheivement Celebration.  This is a time to celebrate all the hard work our 4-Hers have put into the past year working on projects and activities.  Our son had a long list of acheivements this year.  He is also a part of the 4-H Ambassadors.  This group has been a lot of fun to watch.  They help promote 4-H to anyone they see.  They go help at functions around the area and learn about leadership and citizenship. 4-H has been a wonderful program for our kids to be in.  It's been an asset to their everyday lives and will be with them for years to come.
So that wraps up a crazy weekend at our place.  I don't think I've recovered either.  Another set of late nights are coming my way, but you know what-I wouldn't have it any other way.  I guess I don't have a simple life, at least not in my eyes, but I love it!


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