Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sad News

Our little Bella, that we just got a little over a week ago, will probably not be with us very long.  She came home with us and as far as we knew, was a healthy puppy that was eager to start a new life with our family.  We took her into the vet for a visit just to see that things were developing like they should.  As far as we and the vet knew, she was healthy.  We would get her out and take little walks around the farm, go out to the pond, play and just enjoy the time with her. 

A couple days ago, we started to notice she would run circles to the right.  It was like she couldn't see correctly.  At first it was just a little bit, so we decided to keep an eye on her.  A day or two later, it was all she could do to walk straight or even find us when we called to her.  She would run into walls, or her fence and couldn't keep herself going straight. 

We decided she needed to be seen by the vet again.  After he looked at her and did some puppy development tests, he thinks she has fluid on her brain.  Her head is dome-shaped and his diagnosis doesn't look good.  If the fluid keeps building up, it could eventually kill her.  Not, something we wanted to hear after finally getting her.  She is healthy otherwise-gaining weight, eating well and trying to be playful. 

We don't blame the breeder for any of this.  I'm not sure how often this occurs, but we felt this was just a freak incident that neither side could have expected.  They are being very understanding and offering us a second dog.  Hopefully by next week, Bella will have one of her sisters with her again.  This could help her in the long run too.  A companion may help her and improve her quality of life. 

We are going to keep her and help her live as full a life as she can.  Maybe she will surprise us and live a nice long life.  Until that fateful day, she will stay Our Bella.

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