Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Shifting Gears

The seasons are turning.  Well, not drastically yet, but they soon will be.  It's been getting to the upper 90's here and into the 100's occasionally and it's finally feeling like summer, just in time for fall to show up.  It's been a crazy year with lots of rainfall during July, cooler than normal temps all summer and just plain weird weather in general.  Not your typical Kansas-but what is typical for Kansas?

Yesterday morning was our first taste of the seasons changing.  Since it's been so hot the last week, the drastically cool weather this morning was a welcome change.  I almost felt like I needed a jacket.  There were a couple evenings during July that I actually wore a jacket this summer.  That's unheard of for our area!  Anyway....since things are changing here weather wise, I think it's finally time to put the garden to rest.  The chickens have been cleaning up out there, so the cucumbers and green beans are gone thanks to them.  They don't mess with the peppers much, and they haven't cleaned off the tomatoes yet.  I finally got some large tomatoes from my plants, so I'm hoping they steer clear of those plants for now.

The garden at this time of year is sorely neglected thanks to the beginning of school.  My Fridays off are a thing of the past and evenings are packed with volleyball practice and other school activities that take priority.  It's nice though to not worry about weeding, watering, picking, and all the other issues that come with a garden.  If we HAD to live off of our garden, then it would take priority, but luckily, we don't have to.  I would put up a picture of the garden, but I'm sure most people would laugh.  It no longer looks like a garden, but part of the yard.  The grass has grown in and is covering most rows.  We are still trying to find the ideal amount of mulch to keep the grass at bay a little longer, and obviously we didn't find it this year! Back to the drawing board on that one!

Anyone out there have a foolproof way to mulch their garden so they don't have to weed as much?  I'd love to have the time and resources to have a completely weed-free garden, but alas, I can not hire a full time staff to take care of it for me. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! I hope you'll stop by again this week and check out the Autumn Giveaway!
