Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wasckally Wabbits!

I'm about to go all Elmer Fudd on the rabbits at our farm!  Unfortunately, Elmer Fudd has better luck finding the rabbits than I do.  Those little fur balls have about obliterated my peas and lettuce.  I had about 60 feet of peas planted, growing nicely.  They were healthy looking and just starting to reach up onto the fence.  One day I went out to check on their progress and about 75% of them were chewed off to the ground!  I couldn't believe it!  I stood there almost in tears as my visions of fresh snow peas just evaporated into thin air.  I went to look at my head lettuce and they had been chewed down too.  The beets and chard were damaged and the radishes were gone.

I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and surrender.  This year's market would be a disaster!  Luckily my mom's garden was still growing good, so we would have something for the first few weeks.  After stewing for a few days and wanting to nuke anything that moved out there, I decided that I need to be more present in my garden and keep an eye on things better.  I get so busy with my kid's activities in the spring that I tend to slack off on my garden duties and that's when the disaster hit.  Weeding on a daily basis has helped keep those dumb bunnies away, at least for now.  My husband has had a good laugh at my expense when I get riled up talking about the rabbits too.  He's been gracious enough to come out and help me weed and fertilize the garden too.  My sanity is in his best interest as well as mine!  ;)  We've also been letting our Great Pyrenees dog, Sophie, out during the evenings and at night, hoping she will chase off anything that comes around.  She did catch one rabbit, and a mole, so she is doing her job well!  (The moles are a whole other story!!!)

I've noticed that the peas are trying to regrow and will hopefully be able to grow enough to produce before the summer hit sets in for good.  The head lettuce, beets and chard have all rebounded and are looking better.  The radishes didn't fare as well and had to be replanted.  I've noticed they are coming up, but an insect is turning their leaves into a lacy mess.  Not sure how they will turn out.  At this point, I don't care about them.  If that's the only thing I loose, I'll count my blessings.  They must not have liked my spinach much.  I saw a leaf or two chewed on, but for the most part, they were left alone.  There are insect holes, but nothing like a rabbit munch spot. 

I think we are in the clear for the rabbit damage. (Knock on wood!)  We'll see if the combination of dog patrol and our presence in the garden more helps deter the varmints!  If not, we may have fallout to deal with. 

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