Friday, February 7, 2014

Cooking Failure

I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes and I feel like I'm a competent cook.  That is, when I follow someones recipe.  When I'm given creative license in the kitchen, it sometimes turns into a failure.  Last night I wanted to try a noodle free lasagna.  What I should have done was look for a recipe that works.  What I did was just wing it.  WRONG idea!  I'll start at the beginning of my disaster.  Don't be too harsh, I knew it could either turn out fabulous or be an absolute flop.  It was the latter......

I thought I'd try and use zucchini as my noodle replacement.  I found my usual noodle using lasagna recipe.  That probably should have been my first hint that this would be bad.  I have a no-cook noodle recipe.  I followed the recipe and put the zucchini in.  My other problem was next, I covered it with foil.  Now, what I should have thought to myself was, "Where is the excess moisture going to go if it's covered."  No, that's not what I was thinking at the time that I covered it and popped it into the oven.  I just followed the recipe.....

At the end of the hour that it was to be in the oven, I pulled it out and took off the foil.  What did I see?  Lasagna soup.....yes, soup.  Everything just sloshed around.  I put it back into the oven and immediately looked for something to serve it over.  Quinoa.  I found the little pearls of goodness and got them cooked.  I pulled out bowls for everyone and we had lasagna soup over quinoa.  It actually tasted decent.  I doubt I'll try that again, but it was salvageable.  Whew!

I guess what I learned from this is keep trying.  It may not turn out like you want, but some quick thinking can save a disastrous situation.  I didn't panic, just thought to myself, what do I do now.  Maybe more people need to think like this when other situations present themselves in life.  Nothing good comes from panic and hysteria.  Crying doesn't fix it.  It might make you feel better at the moment, but you still have to deal with it.  I'm not saying I never panic when problems arise, but this little bit of insight might help me the next time I'm in a more serious situation.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I can see how that would happen. Zucchini has so much water in it. Thanks for sharing this ~ I've seen the zucchini pasta recipes and wondered how they actually work out. Hope to see you again tomorrow at the HomeAcre Hop. :)
