Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hope is one of those words that we use on a daily basis. 

"I hope the weather holds out so we can go to our activity."
"I hope you remembered your appointment!"
"I hope you're happy!"

Too many times we use the word hope, but don't really think about it's meaning.  To many people, it's just another word in their vocabulary.  To many others, it means so much more. 

If you are celebrating Advent, you know that the first week is "Hope"-anticipation for the coming of Christ.  This is a very exciting time in the church and in our daily lives. 

Ask anyone and they will tell you what Hope means to them.  To me, it means so much.  Our family gets involved with The American Cancer Society, and Hope means a cure for cancer is on the horizon.  Like I've posted before, our son is a cancer survivor.  The Relay For Life uses Hope in many of their promotions.  Hope for a cure is in the front of everyone's minds when they participate. 

Hope is also something we use on our own little farm.  We hope to have another source of water for our animals and garden someday, we hope to expand our animals someday to include more species.  We hope to build a little cabin out at the pond for storage and entertaining.  We hope to update our kitchen so it doesn't have that 1950's look that it currently has.  So many hopes and dreams.  Sometimes we feel like we will never achieve those dreams, but we keep plugging along.  One hope and dream at a time. 

This past week, that Hope has caused a more peaceful feeling in my heart.  I've tried to quit worrying about every little thing and just "Let Go and Let God."  Too many stresses during this season can make for a miserable time.  I realized it just the other day, driving home from work.  I was happy and had this at-peace feeling in my heart.  I couldn't describe it, it just felt right.  My hope for each and every one of you, is that you can find that peaceful feeling that is just right for you too. 

Merry Christmas!

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