Thursday, April 25, 2013

Growing Up

Goodness, this spring is flying by and things don't look to be slowing down any time soon.  We have been so busy with our garden, track meets, school and work.  Oh, and a very special birthday just happened.  Our little girl is 5 years old now.  I can't believe it.  Where has the time gone??  Wasn't she just born?  Didn't we just move to our new place with her being this tiny little thing?  I guess I blinked and now 5 years has gone by.  Sad, I know, but I wish she would just stay little forever. 

Our daughter isn't the only one that is growing up faster than I would like.  Our 15 year old son is getting more mature acting everyday.  That is no doubt a blessing and I never thought I'd see it happen.  He is and will always be my baby.  I've probably babied him more than I should have, but considering his early years, I guess you can't blame me.  Or maybe you should.  You decide!  :) 

I've been noticing little subtle things in this last year that all teenagers go through, but there have been big things that have really made me stop and think, "Wow, this kid is turning into a grown up!"  He went to a concert this spring with some youth from our church.  He invited his girlfriend and one of his good friends to go.  They and a couple other kids rode with one of the adult sponsors and on Sunday, the lady came up to me and told me what a polite boy I have and how he held doors open and acted very appropriately with his girlfriend.  I was floored by the compliment!  I always expect my son to be polite around others, but to have her come find me and tell me these things, just made me very proud of the young man he is growing up to be.  He must have left a good impression on her! 

Another thing that is making me stop and think, is the hobbies and interests he is getting into.  He is starting to wean himself away from the video games (Thank the Lord!) and he is wanting to learn how to weld.  He plans on working for his grandparents this summer on their farm and is hoping his grandpa can teach him how to weld.  My dad is a very good welder, so I think he will learn from the best.  Hopefully he'll be able to work on some projects that we have around our place and soon be able to build his own.  I am seeing all sorts of projects that he can build for me on the horizon!  (Hee, hee!)

I know these stages in our children's lives are something every parent goes through, but until you go through it personally, it never registers in your mind how real it is.  I am the farthest thing from a perfect parent, and I don't know if I know anyone who would think they are perfect in raising their kids either.  We all like to sit around and commiserate together on what we screwed up on or how we would have done this or that differently.  As long as we are trying our best and doing it with love and understanding, we are as close to perfect as we ever will be. 

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