Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2015 Goals

Looking back at my previous blog posts, I see that I did a 2014 Goals.  Let's see how I did.....

1.  Finish selling the prairie hay and brome bales from our pasture. -CHECK!

2.   New (to us) panels into the barn for the 4-H lambs. -CHECK! Got the panels in right before the lambs came in April.  Whew!

3. New chicks for the flock.-CHECK!  Actually, we got some last spring and then late this summer.  Buff Orpingtons were in the spring shipment and then Barred Rock, Copper Marans and Americaunas were in the late summer shipment.  The spring chickens are laying like crazy!  We are still waiting for the later babies to lay.  Should be this spring!

4. New clothes line!-Still waiting on this one.  

5. Build a floating dock for the pond.-Nope, still waiting on this one too!

6. Build a forge for our son.-CHECK!  Well, we didn't build one, but we did buy him one and he is running with this one! He had his first craft show this winter.  Didn't sell a whole lot, but family members are buying what he has.  He loves it!

7. Lose weight-CHECK!  and then uncheck........ Yea, I know, when you lose the weight, it does have a tendency to find you rather quickly.  Guess this one will be on the new list!  

8. Learn to can more types of veggies.-Didn't really learn new veggies this year, but I did do some more jelly.  Sandplum!!!!!!  It is heaven in a jar!

9. Make my own whole wheat flour.-Kinda forgot about this goal.  Still haven't gotten the mill out and repaired.  Another on for the 2015 list!

10. Sew more clothes for myself and my daughter.-Nope, didn't do this one either.  Back on the list it goes!

Well, now that I see I have a bunch of goals to try and conquer this year, I will try and get to them.  Maybe I can add a couple more in here.  

11.  Have a successful lambing season.  Our 4-H sheep that we had last summer were bred this fall.  We have 4 ewes that should be lambing this winter.  I will hopefully have cute little lamb pictures to add to the blog!

12.  Learn to blacksmith!  I've tried 1 time and made a couple little things.  I need my son to teach me now.  

13.  Replenish the wood pile.  We thought we had a good pile for this winter, but we are going through it quickly.  I really prefer wood heat to our propane, but I am glad we have the propane heat as a back up.  

14.  Larger garden.  Who doesn't want a larger garden?!?!  Well, this goes along with the learning to can more veggies.  If I have the garden supplying me with veggies, I better learn how to store them, or they will go to waste.  

15.  New paddocks for the sheep.  We need to get fencing up and quick!  Our lot is turning to muck with the damp, drizzly weather we've had. We have fence posts and gates and some fence, but not time.  Is that always the case with outdoor projects.  We don't have daylight to work in after work, so we are confined to weekends and days off around holidays.  

Well, the 5 goals that I completed have been replaced with 5 new goals for the year.  

Oh, and I almost forgot a very important goal.  I really hope to post more here.  I know, I said that in a previous post.  I always have good intentions, and then don't follow through.  I promise to try harder.  Seriously!  

Until next time!