Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Goals

Goals for 2014

I see homestead goals on lots of pages, so why not join in and put up a few of my own!


1.  Finish selling the prairie hay and brome bales from our pasture.  We had a bumper crop of hay this year thanks to the unreal amount of mid-summer rains that we received.  We usually do good to get one cutting out of our 20+ acres of grass, but this year, we could cut the brome along the landing strip early and it caught back up with the rest of the grass and we got a 2nd cutting in August.  We ended up with 18 bales of brome and 41 bales of prairie hay.  We usually average 22-25 bales.  We were excited to get double that this year!

2.   New (to us) panels into the barn for the 4-H lambs.  We bought some WW panels at a consignment auction a couple years ago and they still aren’t in the barn.  They had some damage that needed fixed with the welder, but now that it’s done, we need to get them installed.  My hubby helped get the ball rolling by removing the panels that were already there.  Now, we HAVE to get the new ones in before the sheep show up in April. 

3. New chicks for the flock.  I have a conglomeration of old and older birds.  I have one bird that is a cross between a Silver-Laced Wyandotte and a Buff Orpington that I’ve had for almost seven years.  I know she is just a pet now and had quit laying several years back.  I just don’t have the heart to do her in or put her in the stew pot.

4. New clothes line!  When we moved to our little farm, we had one of the breeze catcher types that would spin in the breeze.  It didn’t last more than a couple of years though.  It was old and had been damaged at the base years ago.

5. Build a floating dock for the pond.

6. Build a forge for our son.  He has taken an interest in blacksmithing and really wants to get one made to start trying it out.

7. Lose weight-I know, cliché on the goals list, but so far, we are sticking to it.  Both my hubby and I are doing it, together, so it’s not so bad-at least not yet.  We are 5 days into it and I feel like my arms are about to fall off!

8. Learn to can more types of veggies. I have green beans and applesauce down and learned to do pickles this last summer.  Now it’s on to carrots, potatoes and maybe some other types to be determined.

9. Make my own whole wheat flour.  My grandma used to grind her own.  My mom has her old mill, but it needs some repairs before it’s operational again.

10. Sew more clothes for myself and my daughter.

These are just a few of my goals for 2014.  I think there will be more added as the year goes on.  We are trying to learn more each year so we are ready for just about anything. 

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